Mushroom Quesadillas

Farrah’s 10.5“ Flour Tortillas
Portobello or brown field mushrooms
Goats cheese (sliced)
Cheddar cheese (grated)
Baby spinach leaves
Salt & pepper

Slice mushrooms, and either sauté or use a griddle pan for grill marks.

Lay one tortilla down flat on the bench. Layer with a light sprinkle of cheddar cheese that binds the Quesadilla, add the cooked mushrooms, sliced goats cheese, baby spinach leaves and season with black pepper. Top with another tortilla and gently place in a heated and lightly oiled frying pan or sandwich press. 

Cook until the tortilla is golden and crispy and when the cheese has started to melt. Remove, cut into quarters to serve.

  • A sure fire hit on the lunch menu accompanied by a side salad or fresh salsa. Also makes a great tasty starter by changing the size of tortilla you use.
  • Add fresh chopped chillies for some heat or add a cold element with a drizzle of sour cream.